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Top Eateries Worldwide
Top 5 Eateries in North America *
1. Blue Hill at Stone Barns Pocantico Hills, NY
2.Mon Lapin, Montreal Quebec
3.The French Laundry, Yountville, CA
4.Supply & Demand, Ottawa Ontario
5.Saison, San Francisco, CA
* Based on various internet searches Source:
Top 5 Eateries in South America *
1. Maido Lima, Peru
2.Pujol, Mexico City
3.El Chato, Bogotá
4.Don Julio, Buenos Aires
5.SA Casa do Porco, São Paulo
* Based on various internet searches Source:
Top 5 Eateries in Europe *
1. Jah Izakaya and Sake Bar, Copenhagen,, Demark
2. La Lanterna di Diogene, near Modena, Emilia Romagna Italy
3.Au Vieux de la Vieille, Lille France
4.To Psaraki, Santorini Greece
5.Prado, Lisbon, Portugal
* Based on various internet searches Source:,,
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Top Eateries Worldwide
Top 5 Eateries in Australia *
1. Restaurant Botanic Adelaide
2 .MQuay, Sydney
3.Fico, Hobart
4 .Attica, Melbourne
5.Rick Shores Burleigh
*Based on various internet searches and trends Source:
Top 5 Eateries in Asia *
2.Florilège Tokyo
3.Gaggan Bangkok
4. The Chairman, Hong Kong
* Based on various internet searches and trends Source:
Top 5 Eateries in Africa *
1. Sézanne ,Tokyo
2.Palm Beach Tropical Restaurant Cape Verde's
1. Marc's Eatery, Botswana
5.Wing Hong Kong
3.Restaurant Dar Essalam, Morocco
4.Orfali Bros Bistro, Dubai
5.Trèsind Studio, Dubai.
* Based on various internet searches and trends Source:
Food & Health
Grandparents’ diet affects DNA
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