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Face ID Glitches: Common Issues and Solutions

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Face ID revolutionized the way we unlock our iPhones, making it easier and faster to access devices with just a glance. However, on older models like the iPhone 12, users have encountered ongoing issues with Face ID. These glitches are especially noticeable in low-light environments or when there are subtle changes in facial appearances—like wearing glasses, makeup, or even masks. If you’re one of those dealing with Face ID glitches on your iPhone 12, you’re not alone. Apple has acknowledged these issues and provided solutions, but it helps to understand the root causes and what you can do to minimize the problems.

So, what exactly causes Face ID to act up on older models, and how can you fix it? Let’s dive in.

How Face ID Works

Face ID uses a system called TrueDepth, which projects thousands of tiny infrared dots onto your face to create a depth map. It then compares this map to the one stored in your device when you first set it up. Powered by the A14 Bionic chip on the iPhone 12, Face ID is designed to adapt to slight changes in your appearance over time. But while it’s impressive technology, it’s not immune to errors, particularly when conditions aren’t ideal.

Common Face ID Glitches on iPhone 12

Users of the iPhone 12 often report several recurring issues with Face ID. One of the biggest complaints is that it doesn’t work well in low light. Others say that the feature has trouble recognizing their faces when they’re wearing a mask, glasses, or even after minor changes like growing facial hair. Occasionally, dirt or smudges on the camera can interfere with the system, causing recognition failures.

Low-Light Performance Issues

Face ID’s accuracy tends to suffer in low-light environments. The infrared system used by Face ID needs a clear image of your face to create that depth map, and poor lighting can confuse the sensors. Apple has made improvements in newer iPhone models to address this, but the iPhone 12 still struggles in dim lighting. To make things worse, this problem can occur not just in total darkness but in any situation where there’s not enough ambient light to illuminate your face properly.

Fixing Low-Light Problems

For low-light issues, there’s not much you can do in terms of software, but you can try a few tricks. First, make sure your screen brightness is up. This may seem minor, but the extra light from your screen can help Face ID better detect your features. Another trick is to hold your phone slightly closer to your face. The closer the camera is, the more detail it can capture, even in lower lighting.

Changing Facial Appearances

Wearing glasses, masks, or makeup can also confuse Face ID. During the COVID-19 pandemic, many iPhone users faced difficulties using Face ID while wearing masks. Apple introduced updates to help the system recognize users even with a mask on, but the iPhone 12 doesn’t handle this as smoothly as newer models. Glasses and makeup changes can also throw off the system, as these accessories slightly alter the facial structure the device is used to.

Solving Issues with Masks, Glasses, and Makeup

If you’re frequently changing your appearance, it might help to reset Face ID and re-enroll your face both with and without your accessories. Go to Settings > Face ID & Passcode and choose Reset Face ID. After that, set it up again and make sure to scan your face under different conditions. For glasses, you can set up an alternate appearance to help Face ID learn your face with and without them.

For masks, you’ll need to make sure you’re running the latest iOS update, as this will include software optimizations for facial recognition while wearing masks. Even with these updates, however, Face ID on the iPhone 12 isn’t perfect with face coverings, so you might want to use a passcode more often when wearing one.

Camera Obstructions and Maintenance

Another common reason Face ID may glitch is because of dirt or smudges on the TrueDepth camera. Since the system relies on a clean and unobstructed view of your face, any grime, dust, or even scratches on the lens can cause problems. Regularly cleaning the front-facing camera with a microfiber cloth can dramatically improve its performance.

You should also check that your phone case or screen protector isn’t covering or obstructing the camera in any way. Even a partial obstruction can confuse Face ID, making it less reliable.

How to Reset Face ID

If you’ve tried all the tips above and still find Face ID unreliable, resetting it might fix the issue. Resetting Face ID allows the system to relearn your facial features from scratch. To do this, head to Settings, tap on Face ID & Passcode, enter your passcode, and then choose Reset Face ID. After this, set up your face again, and make sure to follow the prompts closely to ensure an accurate scan.

Software Updates and Why They Matter

Apple consistently releases iOS updates that often contain performance tweaks and bug fixes for Face ID. If your iPhone 12 isn’t running the latest software, you might miss out on important improvements that can enhance Face ID functionality. To check if you’re up-to-date, go to Settings > General > Software Update. Updating your device can fix existing glitches and provide better security overall.

When to Contact Apple Support

If you’ve tried all the above steps—resetting Face ID, cleaning the camera, and updating your software—and the problem persists, it might be time to contact Apple Support. In some cases, hardware problems such as a malfunctioning camera or sensor may be the cause, and these will require professional repair.

Alternatives to Face ID

While Face ID is convenient, it’s not the only option for unlocking your iPhone. Using a passcode is a more traditional but reliable alternative. Although it’s slower than Face ID, it doesn’t depend on environmental factors like light or facial changes. Additionally, some users miss the ease of Touch ID, which Apple has reintroduced in some newer models, though it’s not available on the iPhone 12.

Preventing Future Face ID Glitches

To ensure your Face ID continues working smoothly, keep up with routine maintenance. Regularly clean the TrueDepth camera, avoid obstructing it with cases or screen protectors, and ensure you’re running the latest software. Resetting Face ID periodically can also help the system stay attuned to changes in your appearance, whether it’s a new pair of glasses or freshly grown facial hair.


Face ID on the iPhone 12, while revolutionary when first introduced, has shown its age in comparison to newer models. Low-light conditions, changing facial appearances, and minor obstructions can all cause glitches that disrupt its performance. However, by following simple troubleshooting steps like cleaning the camera, resetting Face ID, and updating iOS, you can often fix these problems. For many users, Face ID remains a reliable and secure way to unlock their iPhone, even on older models like the iPhone 12. Still, if the issues persist, there are alternatives like passcodes that can provide a dependable backup.



Why does Face ID fail in low light?
Face ID relies on infrared sensors to create a depth map of your face. Low light makes it harder for these sensors to capture your facial features accurately. Increasing your screen brightness and bringing your phone closer to your face can help.

Can Face ID work with masks on iPhone 12?
Yes, with the latest iOS updates, Face ID can recognize you while wearing a mask, but it’s not as reliable as it is on newer iPhones. If you’re experiencing issues, consider using a passcode when wearing a mask.

What’s the best way to clean the Face ID camera?
Use a soft, lint-free cloth to gently wipe the TrueDepth camera. This helps remove any smudges or debris that might interfere with Face ID’s performance.

Does resetting Face ID help?
Yes, resetting Face ID can help the system relearn your facial features, which is particularly useful if your appearance has changed since you initially set it up.

What should I do if Face ID keeps failing?
If Face ID continues to fail after trying the usual troubleshooting steps, like resetting and cleaning the camera, it may be time to contact Apple Support for a potential hardware issue.

How often should I update my iPhone 12?
It’s recommended to keep your iPhone updated to the latest iOS version, as updates often include improvements to Face ID and other important security and performance fixes.



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