The big day has arrived – a holiday in a faraway foreign country. You are all packed and ready to go. You have your passport, plane ticket, and some way to pay for your next few weeks. You are nervous and anxious and ready to go. Here are a few pointers to make your long flight a little more pleasant.
Before going to the Airport

- Packing your Luggage; Pack as light as possible. You should have no more than two suitcases and one carry-on. If you are going to a tropical climate it will be even easier packing shorts and T-shirts. And, you can always pick up some new clothes at your destination. A could packing technique would be to purchase some plastic travel compression bags, that remove the air from your clothing creating more space in your suitcase. When packing you should stick to a plan, for example, a week long vacation, you should consider packing, 3 pairs of shoes, ( one pair for walking around and sighting, another pair for outdoor activities and the last pair should be dinner shoes) 3 pairs of pants/skirt ( One pair for sighting, causal, semi formal and last formal depending on the kind of events you will be attending) 1 fancy dress ( it is always best to have a good dress, you never know what could happen you maybe invited to sit at the captions table if your on a cruise or meet the life of your life ! He asks you to dinner whatever the case, it is important to be prepared). 4 shirts mixture of causal and semi formal, 5 pairs of socks and 6 sets of underwear. When choosing your clothes always, stick to certain colours such as black or gray and one other colour like red. This way you can create many outfits from a few basic pieces and you will reduce the amount of clothes in your suitcase. Also consider getting insurance to cover, any delay or lose of your luggage while on travel.

2. Your Medications; If you’re a traveller that needs to carry medicines for treatment of acute or chronic health problems, you need to be aware that most countries carry their own laws in relation to medicines. Some medicines that are common in Europe USA or Canada, may be considered illegal in other countries. While rules vary by country, there can be serious consequences including authorities taking away your medicine, penalties and in some cases prison time or fine. According to the CDC, you should check with your destination’s embassy if your medicines are permitted. Many countries allow a 30 day supply of certain medicines, but also require the traveler to carry a prescription or a medical certificate from their health care provider. If your medicine is not allowed at your destination, talk with your health care provider about alternatives and have them write a letter describing your condition and treatment plan. You may also want to check the international Narcotics Control Board, that can provide general information about controlled substances for each country. In addition, if your planning on being gone for more than 30 days, you should talk to your health care provider about how you can get enough medicine for your trip. Some insurance companies will only pay for a 30 day supply at a time.

- Re-confirm your flight; While traveling overseas, it is advisable to always reconfirm your travel. You should call up the airline or check online, a few days prior to your scheduled departure date, to confirm that your departure date and that your flight is running according to your itinerary on your ticket . These days, airlines change their scheduled flights often and in some cases cancel them. You don’t want a situation, where you arrive at the airport and find your flight canceled, so check ahead of time. In addition, confirming your flight, in some cases allows you to confirm your seat. If you’re a person that suffers from motion sickness while sitting at the back of the plane or disabled and require extra legroom. Your best bet is to choose your seat as quickly as possible, you don’t want a situation, where you arrive at the airport and all the seats are taken, and only the last rows on the plane are available.

4.Double check that you have everything. You should use a checklist and check it 2 or 3 times before you travel. Really make sure that you have your passport, tickets and some way to pay – cash, ATM card, credit card or traveler’s checks. A combination is a good way to make sure that you have alternative means of paying. If you are going to a country that has its own currency, plan to exchange a day or two’s worth at the destination airport. Don’t change money in your home country – you will get a terrible rate.

4.Double check that you have everything. You should use a checklist and check it 2 or 3 times before you travel. Really make sure that you have your passport, tickets and some way to pay – cash, ATM card, credit card or traveler’s checks. A combination is a good way to make sure that you have alternative means of paying. If you are going to a country that has its own currency, plan to exchange a day or two’s worth at the destination airport. Don’t change money in your home country – you will get a terrible rate.
At the airport

6. It is wise to eat at the airport before your flight. In most international airports the food services and prices have become quite affordable. If your travelling to a foreign country where you have many connecting flights it would be a good idea to have a good meal before you board the plane. In addition, you should bring snacks in case you don’t like to food on the plane and there are no restaurants on your connecting flights or at your arrival destination. It is important to consider, that, as a general rule, when a plane reaches high altitudes the air pressure in the cabin will cause gas to expand, in some cases can expand as much as 25%, and as a result you will feel uncomfortable and bloated. To avoid this, you should choose meals that are not high in sugar and protein, as these foods will just make you feel uncomfortable for the entire flight. Instead choose complex carbohydrates that burns energy slowly over time, such as, smoothies, seed, quinoa and salads.

- Take advantage of the duty free shops. Duty free shops are just amazing. You can buy liquor, cigarettes, perfumes, makeup and a variety of other goods tax free. It is a good time to stock up on items you use everyday, but at a discounted price. Remember, before buying goods check the limits of how many cigarettes and bottle of wine or liquor you can bring into your destination country. Also check to see, if you can carry duty free goods on flights that have a layover or two. You may have to make your purchase at a last layover before boarding your flight.
On the Flight

- Travelling on a plane can result in discomfort or even sickness. It is not uncommon for breathing and sitting to become more challenging, and your body to become dehydrated. There really is nothing you can do to eliminate these issues, but you can take a few steps to relieve the symptoms. Firstly, to eliminate dehydration, you should travel with either water or drinks containing electrolyte such as sports drinks, but avoid drinking alcohol, coffee or soda, as these drinks will cause you to feel more bloated and dehydrated during the flight. Secondly, make a hydrate pack for your trip, you will feel better as a result. Your pack should contain moisturizer for dry skin, eye drops, and hand sanitizers. Thirdly, you should prepare your immune system. Weeks before your flight consider building up your immune system by eating berries, fish oil, leafy greens, nuts and seeds, spices, and citrus fruits. This way you will build a resistance against any flu or cold you may get from poor air quality and exposure to excess germs on your flight.

- Airplane food. As mentioned above, eating before you board your flight will help you feel better for longer periods. However, experts have claimed that when we fly at high levels our digestive system shuts down. So, eating the turkey dinner may cause us to feel very sleep and bloating. If you have some medical condition, in which you need to eat often or require mediation with food, our suggest would be to eat the salad, bread, vegetables, yogurt, fruit and dessert ( if it is low fat). On the other hand, if you can resist eating on the plane, it will benefit you in many ways, such as helping to reduce your jet lag.
Finally, you have arrived and made it out of the airport. Find the taxi or bus line and head to your hotel. You made it! Now, enjoy your vacation