Safety tips for going outdoors
2020, will be remember as the year, that the world was quarantined due to a mysterious virus. Now, as we are approaching the last few weeks of summer. Many people are making their very last attempt to have a vacation. However, given that the coronavirus case continue to soar in many countries, the question on everyone mind is, what should I do? And what is considered a safe vacation?
Most people, including myself, was left wondering, what should I do? Where could I go? I wanted to have a holiday abroad, as I did every year, but unfortunately , due to local restrictions, I was unable to travel. So, I decided to have a series of small vacations around different tourist areas in Italy.At the beginning of the summer, we decided to spend a week at a local beach resort. It was very difficult. It was very hard to sit in the local restaurant and even at the beaches in the midst of the coronavirus. We tried our best to walk around with our masks on and keep our distance on the beaches, it just seemed virtually impossible, so after a few days, we decided to leave the resort and head home.
We still wanted to have a vacation, that would allow us to rest, exercise and still be safe enough during coronavirus. We opt for a vacation in the outdoors. But was this the right choice? Was it safe?
Most health doctors, will agree that exercise, sunlight and the outdoor fresh air, will build a strong immune system. A strong and healthy immune system will increase the body defenses and help us fight off the coronavirus.
According to governmental regulations and NPC, outdoor activities such as camping is in fact considered a low risk activity. Although, it is labelled as a low risk activity, you should still take precautions. The risks of contradicting the coronavirus depends on your age and current health. So please take safety measures for all activities. Check if your outdoor activity is restricted in your area, for example, in some countries or regions, it is prohibited to have picnics in local parks. It can help to think through all the risks and take precautions before beginning any outdoor activity.

In the end, we had decided to vacation in the mountains with our camping rear. Here are 10 safety tips, tested and proven to work for everyone considered a weekend vacation in a campsite or mountainous areas.
1.Set up your tent with the appropriate distance (One meter apart)
One of the best recommendations, to follow during the coronavirus outbreak, is to keep the appropriate distance. You might be tempted to stay close to other people and their tents for safety reasons and may be of the opinion that in the open air the coronavirus cant be transmitted. Think again, the coronavirus, can spread just as easily in the wilderness then it can in the city. It just takes one person, in the campsite to infect anyone that comes close in just a few minutes. Remember, may people have no symptoms and are unaware that they are a carried f the coronavirus. To ensure the proper distance, bring a tape measure with you, or in our case, we brought a probable fence and section off our camp site. So, no one could just wander onto our site area without permission.

2. Wear masks
It is easy to assume, that because you are out in a remote place , camp site, or in an open space, that wearing your mask is not important. Think again, according to Research conducted, the virus can spread through particles in the air and via contaminated surface. COVID-19 is a respiratory illness and is largely spread via droplets in the air, says John Lednicky, a virologist who studies coronaviruses at the University of Florida. These are typically expelled when an infected person coughs or sneezes. There could be the likelihood that someone in the camp site or someone in your camping crew could be unknowingly infected.

3.Don’t Share Food or Drinks
According to the World Health organization, the spread of the Coronavirus can be either direct, indirect (through contaminated objects or surfaces), or close contact with infected people via mouth and nose secretions. These include saliva, respiratory secretions or secretion droplets. Despite this, the CDC reported that, currently there is no evidence to support transmission of Coronavirus associated with food.
If you are preparing your food at the camp site, take precautions, Before preparing or eating food, it is important to always wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds for general food safety. The best solution is to prepare your own food at home and put them in plastic containers with their own cup and utensils and bring them to the camp site in a cooler. We bought from Amazon, UCO Piece camping Mess Kit with Bowl, plate and 3 in 1 Spork Utensil Set. This product was perfect, no mess, convenience safe for our health and best of all dishwasher safe.
4. Sterilize your Utensils and cups
Alternatively, if you decide to cook your meal at the camp site. It is advisable that any Utensils, cups or plates are sterilized. You can use a variety of methods, such as chlorine bleach solution, to clean them before use. Another useful method, is to sterilize them by running them quickly through an open fire. Please be careful not to burn yourself and take precautions. It would be advisable to take along with you a first aid kit.

5. Be extremely careful in the camp bathrooms and shower facilities
Check with your local authority, most camp site bathrooms and shower facilities have been closed. If you happen to be in a camp site, where the bathroom/showers facilities are open take all necessary precautions. Don’t use the running tap water, and not touch any surfaces. It is best for you to use hand wipes and if necessary, wear shower shoes in the shower area.

6. Create a sanitization pack
Most importantly never leave your home without a sanitization pack. In some camp site, they provide you with a picnic table, make sure you clean all areas with disinfect sprays before using. If your not to keen on using chemical to disinfect your camp site. You can make your own by simple combining diluted bleach or alcohol. Make sure you clean your hands frequently and thoroughly and avoid touching your eyes, mouth and nose.

7. Try camping in a remote location
If your are concerned about the possibility of being infected within a camp ground. Choose a remote location in the mountains and set up camp there. Make sure you have some sort of working mobile device and/or other communication devices, such as Radacat Satellite Communicator. This product, is amazing! It has built in GPS, anti-lost technology and you can send messages and voice in real time without the need of any cell phone service. You can vacation in remote places with piece of mind.

8. Avoid Dangerous Activities
The summer is always a time, to explore new and exciting activities, from, mountain climbing, to jet skiing to wind surfing. Although most of these types of activities would not be considered danger to an avid sportsman. For a beginner, these activities can turn deadly if not properly supervised. The best suggestion, is too avoid trying out any new activities this year. According to Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME)
The demands for hospital beds are growing quick rapidly, and could pose a significant problem in the second wave of the COVID-19. So, it is the responsibility of everyone to avoid causing further burdens on our healthcare system.

9. Keep the number of people in your camping area below five.
Keeping your camping crew to a minimal can prevent the spread of CONVID-19, The US Center for Disease Control and Prevention recommended a maximum of 10 person per group. Although, this is the recommended amount, I would be inclined to say, that five would be a better number. It is harder to control a group of ten, for example, difficult to organize who will do what for the trip, greater lack of miscommunications, you may need to take separate cars, Different people wanting to do different things, some may want to go hiking, others go swimming in the near by stream and still others may want to enjoy other camping patrons.
This lack of control may expose your camping crew to dangerous situations. Also, It would be impossible to know, where your group members are, at all times, and what if they wander off into another camp site and unknowingly are exposed to virus. Five is the perfect number, in most cases this can be a family of five, or two couples and child. It is easier to control and plan. You can travel in one car, you establish rules that everyone must follow, and best of all you can control, where everyone is at all times.

10. Follow local rules and Guidance
In all cases, the best advice for any form of travel that you are planning is to check with your local news or local authority about what you can do? and what you cant do? It would also be advisable for you to check the local new or local authority at your point of destination just to be on the safe side.